WHAT WOMEN WANT WEDNESDAY….Amazing skin!!! Let our NEW Hydrofacial Machine take your skin to the next level with no down time. This non-invasive procedure utilizes hydro-technology to exfoliate, polish, detoxify, rehydrate and replenish your skin. Gentle for all skin...
Let there be light….with the power of LED Therapy. The light that helps bring out the TRUE YOU, each of the 6 shades has it’s healing & restorative properties. Let US light up your life. New $89 special: Led...
THINK THANKFUL THURSDAY…THANKFUL for technology in skincare, making it easy to look your BEST. RF therapy is a way to help produce more collagen, reduce fine lines, tighten loose skin, helps eliminate inflammation and help produce more elastin in...
We GOT IT…YOU want it …the Hydro Facial machine. With so many benefits it will leave your skin smiling. All women need to have a little anti-aging arsenal that keeps them with that GLOW everyone wonders about. Call today...